P.Oxy. 1602

Trismegistos: 64570

Transcription based on: Grenfell, Bernard P., and Arthur S. Hunt, eds. “1602. Homily to Monks.” Pages 23–25 in The Oxyrhynchus Papyri: Part XIII. London: Egypt Exploration Fund, 1919. Note that this papyrus is actually a fragment of the Acts of Paul; cf. H. A. Sanders, “A Fragment of the Acta Pauli in the Michigan Collection,” HTR 31 (1938): 73–90 and Thomas Wayment, The Text of the New Testament Apocrypha (100–400 CE) (London; New Delhi; New York; Sydney: Bloomsbury, 2013), 31.

Fragment 1


  1. στρατιωται Χ(ριστο)υ. ακουσατε πο-
  2. σακις εκ χειρος ανομων ο
  3. θ(εο)ς ερρυσατο τον Ι(σρα)ηλ. και με-
  4. χρι ου τα προς τον κ(υριο)ν ετη-*
  5. ρουσαν ουκ απεστη απ αυτω(ν):
  6. εκ χειρος γαρ Φαραω εσ̣ω-
  7. σεν αυτον οντος̣ α̣νομου.
  8. και Ωγ βασιλεω[ς α]νοσιοτε-
  9. ρου· και Αδαρʼ. με̣τ̣[α τ]ων αλλο-*
  10. φυλων. και επει τα π̣ρος θ̣(εο)ν*
  11. ετηρουσαν. ετι εδ̣ω̣κεν
  12. αυτοις εκ καρπου της ϊσχυ-
  13. ος επαγγειλαμενος γην
  14. Χαναναιων. και ϋπεταξε(ν)
  15. αυτοις τους αλλοφυλους.
  16. και μετ αυτ̣α̣ οσα εν τη ε-
  17. ρημω και τη ανυδρω ⟦και⟧*
  18. παρεσχεν: επι τουτοις
  19. προφητας εξεπεμψεν·
  20. κηρυσσειν τον κ(υριο)ν ημω(ν)
  1. Soldiers of C(hris)t, hear how
  2. often from the hand of the lawless the
  3. G(o)d delivered the I(sra)el. And un-
  4. til not the things pertaining to the L(or)d they*
  5. kept not he did withdraw from the(m):
  6. from hand For Pharaoh he sạ-
  7. ved, him being ḷạwless.
  8. And Og kin[g un]hol-
  9. y, and from Adar. wịṭ[h t]he of other*
  10. nations and when the things p̣ẹṛṭaining to G̣(o)d*
  11. they kept. still He gạṿe
  12. to them from fruit of stren-
  13. gth, having promised (to them) land
  14. of Canaan. And he subject(ed)
  15. to them those of other tribes.
  16. and with iṭ whatever in the d-
  17. esert and in the waterless place ⟦and⟧*
  18. he supplied. In addition to them
  19. prophets he sent out
  20. to preach the L(or)d of u(s)

Soldiers of Christ, hear how often God delivered Israel from the hand of the lawless, and while they kept the things pertaining to the Lord He did not withdraw from them—for He saved Israel from the hand of Pharaoh the lawless, and from Og, a more unholy king, and from Arad with the men of other nations, and when they kept the things pertaining to God He still gave to them from the fruit of strength, having promised to them the land of Canaan and He subjected to them the men of other nations—and again how He supplied them in the desert and waterless place, and in addition He sent forth prophets to herald our Lord


  1. Χ(ριστο)ν Ι(ησου)ν οιτινες κατα ταξιν*
  2. και κ̣ληρον ‹και› μερισμον λα-
  3. βοντες πν(ευμ)α Χρ(ιστο)υ κακ̣λοπαθοῡ-
  4. τες υπο του λαου ανηρεθη-
  5. σαν. ανηρεθησανʼ απο̣σ̣τ̣ᾱ̣-
  6. τες π̣ν(ευμ)ο̣ς̣ ζωντος κατα
  7. τας [αν]ομιας αυτων· εσ̣-
  8. φαλη[σαν] της κληρονομι-
  9. ας. της αιωνιου. και νυ̣ν α-
  10. δελφ[οι] μ̣ε̣ι̣νατε νικηται·
  11. μειν̣[α]τ̣ε εως αν υπομεινᾱ-
  12. τες κ̣[υ]ρ̣ω̣μεν την προσελευ-
  13. σιν τ̣η̣ν̣ προς κ(υριο)ν. και συμ-
  14. φυτο̣ν̣ και οπλον ευδο-
  15. κιας λ̣α̣βωμεν Χ(ριστο)ν Ι(ησου)ν. αυτο(ν)
  16. ϋπερ ημων φ̣υντα εαυτο(ν)*
  17. γη̣ι̣ ⟦και⟧ ουτως ως εστιν.*
  18. και παραλαβετε τον λογον
  19. οτι πν(ευμ)α δυναμεως επ ε̣-
  20. σ̣χ̣α̣τ̣ω των καιρων . . . .
  1. C(hris)t J(esu)s ones who, in order*
  2. and ḷot ‹and› due portion re-
  3. ceiving sp(iri)t of C(hris)t suf̣fering
  4. ills from the people who were put
  5. to death. They were destroyed because (they) dep̣ạṛṭ-
  6. ed from Ṣp(ir)ịṭ living after
  7. the [la]wlessness of them; thẹỵ
  8. los[t] the inheritan-
  9. ce the eternal. And nọw br-
  10. ether[en], ṛẹṃain conquerors.
  11. Reṃ[a]ịn until having endur-
  12. ed ẉẹ [a]ṭṭạin the approa-
  13. ch, the ọṇẹ to the L(or)d, and as in-
  14. nạṭẹ and a shield of well-
  15. pleasing ẉẹ ṛeceive C(hris)t J(esu)s, hi(m)
  16. for our sakes p̣ḷanted himsel(f)*
  17. on ẹạṛṭḥ ⟦and⟧ so as he is;*
  18. and accept the word
  19. because a sp(iri)t of power in the ḷ-
  20. ạṣṭ of times …

Christ Jesus, men who receiving in order and lot and due portion the spirit of Christ and suffering ills from the people were put to death. They were destroyed because they departed from the living Spirit after their own lawlessnes; they lost the eternal inheritance. And now, brethren, remain conquerors. Remain until having endured we attain the approach unto the Lord, and receive as innate and a shield of well-pleasing Christ Jesus, Him who planted Himself for our sakes on earth so as He is; and accept the word, because a spirit of power in the last time …
